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Holy Family Primary School, Downpatrick

News - Primary 5 - Mrs G Sproule

2019/2020 School Year

25th May 2020
Message from Mr Curran.
21st May 2020
Aron watched his eggs change into caterpillars, then into a chrysalis and now they...
15th May 2020
This term our Sustrans Schools’ Officer Claire, who pupils will know from...
15th May 2020
P4 have been busy taking part in the 'Let's Bake' Stem Challenge.  It links...
15th May 2020
The boys and girls in Primary 4 continue to work hard on making their 3d Models...
15th May 2020
This week we have been focusing on alliteration.  Pupils in Primary 4 studied the...
8th May 2020
This week our Stem Challenge was to design and make a set of scales. Well done...
28th Apr 2020
Primary 5 have been busy working away at their home learning. Here are some of the...
25th Apr 2020
We would like to remind pupils that further resources and tasks are available online...
20th Apr 2020
The school website is currently receiving a lot of visitors due to our online learning...