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Holy Family Primary School, Downpatrick


2019/2020 School Year

22nd May 2020
I never knew I had so many talented bakers, artists, boat designers and builders...
21st May 2020
Jake Kearney (P6) has been very busy at home researching all about the Titanic....
21st May 2020
Can you find Dara’s animal hiding?
21st May 2020
Aron watched his eggs change into caterpillars, then into a chrysalis and now they...
21st May 2020
Joshua Keenan (P6) designed a fantastic poster to persuade people to visit the Titanic...
21st May 2020
Katherine Lynch P6 wrote a fantastic newspaper report as part of her home learning....
20th May 2020
P3 have been busy learning all about staying healthy and eating well. They have...
20th May 2020
Conan Mooney is putting in the hours at home!  Well done Conan!
18th May 2020
Shane Brennan has sent me his Minecraft school and provided a guided tour. This...