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2019/2020 School Year
1st Jun 2020
Another busy week for the boys and girls in P4. We have been learning about mini-beasts...
31st May 2020
Primary 7 pupils were tasked last week to send in their memories for a virtual leavers...
31st May 2020
Another Minecraft version of our school has been sent in, this time by Oisin Oakes....
30th May 2020
Primary 4 have had another busy week with learning all about fractions, creating...
29th May 2020
Thank you to the boys and girls in Primary 5 for sending in such lovely religion...
27th May 2020
Primary 7 were asked to look for persuasive features in a series of adverts. Lovely...
27th May 2020
Jenna Russell from P5 has now raised over £1000 for the NHS...
22nd May 2020
P4 have been very busy again this week with writing poems, counting on to find...
22nd May 2020
I never knew I had so many talented bakers, artists, boat designers and builders...
21st May 2020
Can you find Dara’s animal hiding?
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- Eco News
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- Home Learning
- Learning Support - Miss K Smyth
- Primary 1 - Mrs M Murray
- Primary 1 2024
- Primary 2 - Mrs C Rooney & Mrs S Haider
- Primary 3 - Mrs S McKay & Mrs A Tatli
- Primary 4 - Mrs Hawkins
- Primary 5 - Mrs G Sproule
- Primary 6 - Mrs L Gilchrist
- Primary 7 - Mrs S Morrow
- School Council
- Shared Education
Holy Family Primary School,1 Drumnaconagher Road. Downpatrick, County Down, BT30 9AN Telephone: 02844830319