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About our School...
Holy Family is a co-educational primary school established in 1966 in the town land of Teconnaught. We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum through which every child has the opportunity to experience success in learning. As a catholic school we aim to create a school committed to living out the Christian values in our everyday activities
“Our school ethos is founded on love, respect and inclusion for all and we believe that, “In our hands we hold the future”
The Focused Inspection Report in 2010 recognised a significant number of strengths within the school such as the outstanding quality of the pastoral care and working relationships at all levels, the outstanding quality of provision for the children with special educational needs. The very good standards achieved by the children in both literacy and numeracy.
The Holy Family aims to provide each child in our care a high standard of education, which takes into account each child’s individual needs and ability. We strive to encourage each child to reach their full potential. The teachers’ priority is to set high educational standards for all the children in their care. All children are given a sense of value and are encouraged to foster habits of responsibility and caring in the school community.
The current teaching staff is made up of the Principal and 7 full-time teachers and a full-time learning support teacher and several classroom assistants. A teacher is trained in Maths Recovery programme and two assistants are trained in Reading Partnership by the SEELB to support the Literacy programme within the school. Primary Movement has been running successfully within the school for a number of years and we see this as an important part of our learning support programme.
The accommodation consists of a large assembly hall which is also used for physical education. The school has a KS1 and KS2 block. The KS1 block was opened in June 2004, and consists of three classrooms, a structured play area, a learning support room and staffroom. The KS2 block was extended in 2009 and consists of three classrooms and a resource room. The school also has a Primary 1 unit with a classroom, structured play area /kitchen area and library. All classes have access to computers and are fitted with Interactive Smartboards to support teaching and learning. Other accommodation includes Principal’s Office, Secretary’s Office and other ancillary rooms. The school has disabled toilet facilities and is designed for wheel chair access.
There are two large outside play areas with playground marking at the front and rear of the building and an enclosed Adventure play area that accommodates for extra World Around Us studies. We have our Silver Eco-schools award and are working towards our Green Flag.
Opportunities to broaden the children’s interests are provided through a wide range of extra-curricular activities, which include Gaelic football, soccer, netball, computer club, drama, dance, cycling proficiency, music and choir. We also run the Fundamental Movement Programme for Primary 1 – 4 classes. An annual Sports Day is held for all the children. The pupils also take part in cross community projects with other schools. Music tuition is offered in both String and Woodwind instruments. Musicals, concerts and plays are performed for parents and friends.
We are now in our seventh year offering Irish as an additional language to children in the Foundation and Key Stage 1 classes.
Curriculum evenings are held early in September to enable class teachers the opportunity to meet the parents of the children in his/her class. A follow-up meeting with parents and class teacher is arranged in the Autumn Term to discuss each child’s progress. Parents are always welcome to visit the school for advice/information regarding their child’s education. End of year Pupil Profile reports are given to parents. The school philosophy is “Partnership in Education with close home/school links”.
The school opens at eight in the morning to facilitate working parents and there is also supervised sessions from 2-5pm every day in our “Cool Kids Club”.
We value the active role our parent support group “Friends of Holy Family” play in the life of the school, organising many fund raising activities and social events to improve the resources within the school.
A tour of our school

Our Teaching Staff

Primary 5

Primary 7

Primary 6

Primary 4

Primary 3

Primary 3 (2 days)

Primary 2

Primary 1
Our Classroom Assistants

Our Support Staff

Board of Governors

Latest News
Holy Family Primary School,1 Drumnaconagher Road. Downpatrick, County Down, BT30 9AN Telephone: 02844830319